Explore a local farmers market using a search filter

User taps the Sort button

User taps the Sort button.

User taps top farmers market.

User taps reviews button.

User Explore page.

Find a recipe utilizing the Harvest feature

User taps Harvest page.

User taps recipe to view.

User taps Community page.

Utilizing the Community feature to connect with members of the app

User taps Community page.

User taps follow user.

User taps Login.

User selects and taps Highest Rating.

User taps the Vendors button.

User saves vendor for reference.

User taps to save farmers market.

User taps hamburger menu.

User views recipe and saves for reference.

User taps Following.

User is now following user.

User taps Continue with Google.

User taps Apply.

User taps vendor.

User taps back button after saving.

Farmers market is now saved.

User taps Recipes.

User taps back arrow.

User taps People.

Explore Page Enhancements:

Based on feedback requesting more color variation, the "Sort" button was updated to gray, while the last three buttons were given a darker green background with white text. This not only added visual distinction but also adhered to accessibility standards. I also increased the font size of the farmers market names and their availability.

Community Feature Enhancements:

Test participants expressed interest in viewing recipes and reviews from users they follow. To address this, the Community feature was updated to prominently display a section for recipes and reviews on a member’s profile page. Color adjustments were also made to adhere to accessibility standards.


Laura K. Wise